My recent thoughts and posts have been about creating and
holding a positive intention. Writing helps me stay focused on my own personal desire.
What I’m learning is that the greatest part of creating positive change is to
be happy. Emotions are energy and they attract similar energy. When we feel joy
in our heart we attract the same. Happiness brings about a positive energy flow
that assists in creating the change we want. However, there are always times
and people who are NOT on our same page and want to share the pain or ugly they
are feeling.
Energy and emotions can be controlled with breath. When thoughts are negative or fearful our breathing becomes shallow and rapid. Our heart energy constricts almost as through the heart is trying to protect itself. On the other hand, when we feel joy and peace our breathing becomes deeper and more relaxed. The heart energy opens and expands.
I’ve written before about the power of gratitude in healing life situations. GRATITUDE comes from being THANKFUL and accepting. It brings APPRECIATION, even when conditions are such that we do not feel grateful. Saying THANK-YOU begins a change. The constricting heart energy reverses, breathing relaxes and our metabolism returns to normal. The words THANK-YOU put us back in touch with the depth of peace that is part of our core. We open to love.
Please leave a thought or comments. If you know someone that this post might help, please share.
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